Title: PFAS Treatment with Ion Exchange: Case Histories and Best Practices
Learner Objectives:
The objective of this presentation is to introduce participants to success stories using PFAS Selective Ion Exchange Resin for treatment of per - and polyfluoroalkyl substances, including why resin was chosen, how it works, and lessons learned.
Content/Topic Outline:
Cathy Swanson, cathy.swanson@purolite.com, Purolite, Fullerton, CA
Mike Weatherill, mike.weatherill@purolite.com, Purolite, Ontario, Canada
Presentation Description:
PFAS Selective Single Pass Ion Exchange Resins for treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are an affordable and established technology. Extensive piloting, modeling, dozens of treatment sites and hundreds of point-of-entry / point-of-use systems are using IX. PFAS selective resins have been developed specifically for drinking water applications over the past several years with great success.
In this presentation, the audience will learn how PFAS Selective Single Pass Ion Exchange Resin has successfully brought contaminated water to non-detect for PFAS in drinking water at least six sites. A review of lessons learned will also be conducted. As many sites have started using ion exchange resin for PFAS, there is much learning that can be shared. We will review design considerations and how they have translated to full scale savings. We will share the (unwelcome) startup surprises and how they can be prevented. We will highlight award-winning projects and the best practices that have contributed to their success.
Presenter Bio:
Cathy Swanson is a Groundwater Remediation Specialist globally for Purolite. She has worked on water treatment for perchlorate, nitrate, uranium, TOC, VOC, and now PFAS for over 15 years. She has worked on treatment technologies ranging from GAC to biological to reverse osmosis, and now focuses on ion exchange resins. Her project portfolio includes both remediation and drinking water sites. She received her BS in Chemical Engineering at Northwestern University in the Chicago area and her MBA from UNC Chapel Hill. She is grateful to be a part of this conference.
Mike Weatherill has been in the water industry for over 25 years with 11 of those at Purolite. Based in Ontario, Canada, Mike is the Technical Sales Specialist for Eastern Canada. He is a water treatment expert in system design, manufacturing, installation, sales and service. In 2008, he started up a service company named Regeneration Services which specialized in High Purity Water Applications. With Purolite, Mike has concentrated on residential, commercial and industrial resin based systems. Additionally, he has industry experience in Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Oil and Gas, Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industries. Mike has grown to become the main technical trainer for the Canadian Water Quality Association and a committee member. Mike received his education at Western University in London, ON.