Title: Field Testing Time Optimization
Learner Objectives:
Learn how to save time while maintaining a water system's safety through:
Content/Topic Outline:
Rick Sherman
Presentation Description:
Monitoring of water quality in closed circuits, evaporative cooling systems and boiler systems is an essential part of any water treatment Engineers daily tasks.
It has been proven that testing industrial waters on a regular basis can mitigate risks and system issues before they become problematic; including early detection of corrosion, scale and biofouling. This early detection allows water treatment professionals to make assessments of system efficacy and integrity in a timely manner, enabling decisions on treatment programs to achieve optimal system performance.
Testing, however, also takes time, with each required test adding to the time spent on site. That additional time on site is costly, with Engineers hourly rates one of the most expensive part of a service contract.
So, how then should we balance the need to monitor multiple parameters with the need to perform the tests as efficiently as possible? Can any ‘corners be cut’ on testing which will still provide valid results while maintaining systems safety.
In this paper, we will investigate how Field Testing Optimization can save engineers time on site whilst maintaining reliable, repeatable results. Simple method adaptation, knowledge of the chemistry and equipment being used, the order in which tests are performed, and organization of reagents/equipment all impact the time needed on site performing tests. We will also touch on areas where Engineers knowledge and level/experience of interpreting results can lead to decisions in testing regimes that will save precious time and resource.
Presenter Bio:
Rick Sherman has over thirty years of experience in the Water Industry. He is currently the Director of Sales for Lovibond (Americas). He has primarily served in sales management roles in the municipal (Water and Waste Water) markets. With an educational background in Marketing, he understands how to communicate with customers to address their problems and has leveraged this to successfully led direct, indirect and hybrid sales channels.