Title: Saving Energy with Non-Ionic Surfactants: EndoTherm Case Studies
Learner Objectives:
Educate fellow water treaters and business owners on the use of non-ionic surfactants to improve hydronic HVAC heat transfer and reduce energy consumption and emissions by up to 15%.
Content/Topic Outline:
Will Wilson
If selected we may wish to add an additional speaker. We could invite the Energy Manager from the Coquitlam School District to share their case study results.
Presentation Description:
Utility bills are a significant part of any building’s operational costs. Now water treaters can help clients lower heating and cooling costs up to 15%. Non-ionic surfactant additives for hydronic HVAC systems are the easiest and most affordable way to lower boiler or chiller energy consumption up to 15%. Dosed at 1:100, these surfactants improve heat transfer resulting in reduced run-times and great efficiency in boilers, chillers, heat pumps and geothermal systems. The energy savings typically pay back the installation costs within the first two years and will provide more than a 400% return on investment over the first ten years. Pace has spent the last five years bringing development and verifying an additive called EndoTherm. After hundreds of verified case studies and thousands of installations, EndoTherm now has a rebate from FortisBC, British Columbia’s largest natural gas utility.EndoTherm is proven to be less corrosive than water, compatible with traditional water treatment chemistries and long lasting. It requires no downtime, setpoint changes or equipment for clients to realize significant energy savings. During the presentation we will share several verified case studies results from several types of clients and buildings.
Presenter Bio:
Business Development and Sustainability at Pace Solutions. Will is responsible for overseeing the deployment and management of innovative solutions for building efficiency and emissions reductions through water treatment. He has overseen hundreds of measurement and verification projects including case studies and projects with major telecom companies, property management firms, universities, and governments. Will has had the opportunity to speak at the Building Energy Innovators Council, BOMA and the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). He has also been published in several trade magazines, the AEE International Journal of Energy Management and the fall 2021 issue of the AWT Analyst.