Title: Navigating the Pandemic While Innovating for the Future
Trace Blackmore, CWT
Blackmore Enterprises, Inc.
Jill Cavano
Scranton Associates, Inc.
Presenter Bio:
Trace Blackmore is a Certified Water Technologist who owns and operates Blackmore Enterprises. Blackmore Enterprises is located in Atlanta where it provides sound and proven water treatment programs designed to reduce operational cost and prolong equipment longevity. With a passion for teaching, Mr. Blackmore is the creator and host of Scaling UP! H2O, the world’s most popular water treatment podcast.
Jill started at Scranton Associates in 1999. Scranton Associates is a family owned custom chemical blender, Jill is proud to be the fourth generation in the business. In 2008 Scranton Associates moved to its current facility in Strongsville, OH. Scranton Associates was awarded the AWT Supplier of the Year Award in 2015. Jill is an active member of the AWT Young Professionals Task Force and Business Resources Committee.