Title: Stabilized Chlorine for Cooling Towers
Learner Objectives:
This presentation will allow you to understand the use of stabilized chlorine in cooling towers.
Content/Topic Outline:
Traditional chlorination of cooling towers
Chemistry and efficacy of stabilized chlorine
Application of stabilized chlorine
Ellen Meyer
Presentation Description:
Operation of cooling towers with high cycles of concentration is problematic for use of oxidizing biocides. Particularly with concerns about pathogenic organisms such as Legionella, the importance of microbial control in cooling towers is paramount both for public safety as well as heat transfer efficiency. Stabilized chlorine has shown advantages in high demand environments where oxidizing biocides may be quickly depleted. This presentation will discuss the chemistry of stabilized chlorine and its efficacy against microorganisms. Practical application information will also be provided.
Presenter Bio:
Ellen Meyer is Product Safety and Government Affairs Manager with Sigura, a leading global supplier of water treatment products. Prior to joining Sigura in 2001, Ellen worked at Betz Laboratories in Pennsylvania where she developed new products for industrial water and wastewater treatment. Ellen earned a B.S. degree in chemistry from The College of William and Mary and a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Northwestern University. She is a former chair of the Recreational Water Quality Committee of PHTA. She currently serves on the chlorine stabilizer ad hoc committee for CDC’s Model Aquatic Health Code, the NSF task group for pool chemical evaluation, and the AWWA disinfectants standards committee.