Title: Leaving a Lasting Impact: Begin With the End in Mind
Learner Objectives:
At last year’s conference, I presented a paper titled, “Multi-Generational Water Treatment Companies – Leaving A Lasting Impact.” The purpose of the paper was fourfold: 1) Increasing the awareness to do strategic planning, 2) providing helpful resources, 3) encouraging companies with stories of companies who have or are successfully working through the process of transition, and 4) providing next steps that an owner can take.
My goal for this year’s proposed session is to provide more detail and specific next steps that the owner can take. We will inspire action when we can provide clear steps to take.
I am not an estate planning expert – I am not a lawyer or insurance expert. I am simply working the process myself and I believe keeping it simple (which is all I can do precisely because I am not a technical expert) will move people to take the action they should take.
Content/Topic Outline:
Desired Outcomes would include:
Tom Hutchison
Presentation Description:
At last year’s conference, I presented a paper titled, “Multi-Generational Water Treatment Companies – Leaving A Lasting Impact.” The purpose of the paper was fourfold: 1) Increasing the awareness to do strategic planning, 2) providing helpful resources, 3) encouraging companies with stories of companies who have or are successfully working through the process of transition, and 4) providing next steps that an owner can take.
My goal for this year’s proposed session is to provide more detail and specific next steps that the owner can take. We will inspire action when we can provide clear steps to take.
I am not an estate planning expert – I am not a lawyer or insurance expert. I am simply working the process myself and I believe keeping it simple (which is all I can do precisely because I am not a technical expert) will move people to take the action they should take.
Desired Outcomes would include:
From the website: “Following are the core criteria that will be used to review all proposals:
Presenter Bio:
Presenter's qualifications; I’m second generation; 40 years with HOH, 30 as President (Son Reid, Chief Operating Officer and Son-in-law Andy, VP of Sales, both with HOH ~six years); BSME, MBA, M.Div; Past President of Associated Labs, etc.