Title: It’s Time to Reverse the (mental) Flow: High Recovery RO Resolved Water Quality Issues & Created Savings in a Beverage Plant
Learner Objectives:
Present a case study of Flow-Reversal RO installation at a beverage plant in the US that helped to increase recovery rate, meet sustainability goals, treat challenging water quality, and create savings.
Content/Topic Outline:
Ronit Erlitzki. PhD
Presentation Description:
High recovery processes and waste-stream or concentrate management are key issues when considering any water treatment solution, whether is filtration, adsorption, or reverse osmosis (RO) for desalinization.
Increasing recovery rate and reducing the volume of RO concentrate creates significant savings (CAPEX & OPEX) while demonstrating environmental responsibility and water stewardship.
This presentation will focus on the Flow-Reversal RO technology that employs conventional RO equipment with 2 unique principles: Flow-Reversal and Block Rotation. Flow-Reversal, whether it is a new RO system or a retrofitted one, is a continuous process that does not use any proprietary equipment, does not require any special operator training, and can operate as conventional RO (if needed).
The process, which is suitable for different types of reverse osmosis applications, reduces scaling and biofouling, and results in very high recovery rates.
We will explain how the technology works, generates savings, and facilitates concentrate management by presenting examples of different applications (reuse, concentrate recovery, brackish water, and multiple contaminant situations), focusing on a case study of Flow-Reversal RO retrofit in a beverage plant in the US.
Presenter Bio:
Ronit Erlitzki is Director of Business Development and Innovation with AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC. Ronit’s career is based on strong scientific foundation and implementation of strategic and critical thinking. With more than 20 years of experience in biochemistry research and business development Ronit’s main interest is water and wastewater technology, and her goal is to accelerate the implementation of innovative clean technologies, focusing on improvement of sustainable solutions to environmental challenges. Ronit is a savvy water professional and has been successfully involved in the commercialization of several technologies in the field of water quality analysis, biological water treatment and high recovery RO.
Ronit holds a BSc. in Biology from Tel Aviv University, and MSc and DSc degrees in Medical Sciences from Technion-Machon Technologi Le’Israel.